Vertical extension of the HEAD-Geneva, image: Charly JoilletVertical extension of the HEAD-Geneva,
image: Sven HöggerVertical extension of the HEAD-Geneva,
image: Sven HöggerClub Nautique Genève 2nd prize w/ Mac-IverEk ChevrouletClub Nautique Genève 2nd prize w/ Mac-IverEk ChevrouletDRIVE-IN motorised performance in the PAV Geneva, image: Pauls RietumsCRAZY GOOD workshop in Slavutych w/ Comte/MeuwlyPORTEOUS, Transformation of the water treatment plant into a cultural center, Geneva 2020 -PORTEOUS, Transformation of the water treatment plant into a cultural center, Geneva 2020 -Extension of the HEPIA in Lullier 4th prize,
image: Valentin Calame + Lois Bouche
Far*Festival Nyon w/ la–clique, image: Sven HöggerVertical extension of the HEAD-Geneva, image: Charly JoilletCRAZY GOOD workshop in Slavutych w/ Comte/Meuwly28.06.XY performance in a demolished buildingHUGO Interior transformation for a school, 2022
TILIA Wood pavilion Lausanne, 2024 -
28.06.XY performance in a demolished building, Geneva.
Workshop PALM BEACH UNDER A HEATING PLANT in EAVT Paris w/ Marta Cassany
LINA exhibition 2020, Geneva
SOAP OPERA performance plan for ARCHIZOOM w/ Pauls Rietums28.06.XY performance in a demolished building, image: Sven HöggerCompetition for the Salle de Spectacle of Renens, w/ MacIver-Ek Chevroulet / en–dehorsSwiss Art Awards Finalist 2023JUST KIDS Architectural workshops with primaty schools Geneva, 2023 -Open competition for social housing in GenevaPORTEOUS, Transformation of the water treatment plant into a cultural center, Geneva 2020 -Daybed